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Kamis, 06 Oktober 2011


Sports News

Picture : Malaysia football fans hold up national flags during the AFF Cup 2010 first leg finals football final match held at the Bukit Jalil National Stadium in Kuala Lumpur, Dec. 26, 2010.
Sports fans in Indonesia are outraged after members of the national football team complained of being distracted by fans with hand-held laser beams during a crucial match in Malaysia.

The issue dominated social networking sites Monday, briefly becoming the top item worldwide on 
Twitter. Malaysia's sports minister said he is embarrassed by what had happened.  Indonesia's Antara news service said President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has asked officials to lodge a formal protest.

Indonesia's players walked off the field for several minutes in protest before going on to a 3-0 loss Sunday evening in the first leg of the 
ASEAN Football Federation final. They said Malaysian fans were directing laser pens into the faces of players, including the goalkeeper, at key moments.

Malaysian Sports Minister Ahmad Shabery Cheek said he was "not happy at all" about his countrymen's unsporting behavior, adding that he had been embarrassed in front of his Indonesian guests.

The issue registered among the most popular topics on Twitter after the match, with the phrase "malaysiacheaterlaser" ranking number one for almost an hour.

Antara reported that Yudhoyono, who watched the contest on television, telephoned Indonesia's sports minister while the match was still in progress to instruct him to lodge a formal protest.

The second leg of the final takes place Wednesday in Jakarta

January 15, 2011 | 19:55 pm
Semarang, CyberNews. Striker Komang Mariawan bring SUFC won the inaugural Competition Premier League match Indonesi (LPI). Under the support of her supporters, this team logo warak ngendok guest FC beat Wolves by a score of 1-0, at Stadium Jatidiri, Saturday (15 / 1).
Actually a chance for the visitors equalized in the second half, after Zaenudin Arif infringed on the forbidden by Haryadi. However, Aziz Harahap the executioner failed to exploit this opportunity when his shot flew high above the crossbar.
"I am delighted to be creating a goal the winner SUFC. In private, I dedicate these goals to the Blue Devils fans who already support the team at the Stadium identity," said players born in Denpasar, 19 March 1976.
The team was nicknamed the Blue Devils dominate the game in the early minutes of the first half. Young striker Muhammad Yusuf often threaten Wolves FC defense. Opportunity came in the 13th minute. Joseph headed the ball results can still be arrested in Tangerang Wolves goalkeeper Rudy Ardiansyah.
New host can score a goal in minute 35. Through cooperation slick, Komang striker successfully rip the nets opponent after receiving feedback from M Yusuf. Former Ambassador Pro striker was then passed several defenders and outwit opponents goalkeeper Rudy Ardiansyah. Sepakkan ball hard through two feet of Rudy. Score 1-0 last until halftime.
Increase Tempo
 After exit from the locker room, Paolo diarsiteki Wolves FC Camargo increasing tempo of the game to keep pace. Through the combination of short passes and long, Luiz Feitosa suppress host defense.
Continued to be attacked, the Blue line behind Devils lost concentration in the mid second round. Haryadi violate Zaenudin Arif. Leaders of the match referee, Winarno Bachtiar (East Java) immediately appoint a white dot. However, a penalty on 62 minutes failed to bear fruit goals.
Azis kick Harahap still far from the target. Kick the ball flew high over the crossbar. FC Wolves failed to equalize. Until the game ended 1-0 to survive.
"In the next game we know will be more difficult. However, we will seek the maximum. The victory was a valuable capital in competition ford the LPI," said Souza Amarildo team captain.

4 Semarang Teens Knitting Dreams in Arsenal

Talent show Tunas Garuda has completed the selection in Semarang. Four young players selected U-16 success and a chance to experience playing at the headquarters of Arsenal, Emirates Stadium.

After making the selection in Bandung, Palembang, Makassar and Jayapura, the event Tunas Garuda now underway in Semarang. Selection in progress at the Citarum Stadium, Semarang began since last Friday and ended today, Sunday, June 19, 2011.

Talent show in collaboration with the Arsenal Soccer School Indonesia (SSI) as the team is successful crawlers selected four young players who represent the right to Semarang in the final selection which will take place in Jakarta.

The four young players who are elected Rizal Yulian Imam Fauzi (15), Lukman Naim (15), Dani Rahar Janto (15) and Andre Putra Wibowo (15). All four participants managed to beat about a thousand other selection.

"The spirit of the children Semarang admirable, technically it is also not inferior to other cities. I'm sure there will be one of those who will qualify for the Arsenal later, "said Chairman of the Selection Committee Garuda Tunas, Rizky Kusumah, in a release received JAC Sport.

In addition to pass the four finalists, Tunas Garuda also produced seven of the best young footballer from Semarang to get the gift of guidance, namely Ahmad Furqan (15), Yogi Destantyo (15), Lucky Andre (14), Firmansyah Malik Afandi (14), M. Arif Prakoso (14), Aris Kurniawan (14) and Addis Ababa Niam Prayitna (14).
The four representatives from Semarang will compete with 32 other young players who came from eight other cities on the selection of the final in Jakarta.

The plan, all 36 participants from nine finalists will enter the city's selection camp Arsenal SSI Indonesia, Jakarta, before reduced to 18 participants who will fly to the headquarters of Arsenal's Emirates Stadium in London, England, late October 2011.

Later all the 18 players the chance to practice at the Arsenal Football Academy and face Arsenal U-16 and direct a number of matches to watch Arsenal at the Emirates Stadium.

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